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Sunday, October 30, 2011

10/30/11 How Crazy Your Love

So I was online and While browsing stuff I happened upon an unreleased album for one of my favorite artists. Namely it's YUI's album How Crazy Your Love.

It's a lovely album so far, and I can't but help relistening to a few of the tracks as I enjoy them a few times. It's nice.

Well to be exact I needed some me-time. Which is largely the reason I'm listening to the album in the first place. Well yes I'm aware that being in my present situation and doing little more than lounging is neither productive nor creative. And considering the endless amount of things that I keep tasking myself with that get rolled over by a  mix of compulsion and what not!... Anyway. So yeah it's a lovely album.

So yeah because web traffic is going to redirect people here and they'll think they're being ripped off.

Visit my other link if you want a link to the songs. Yeah still working on it and it's likely to be rough for a while but I have a feeling it'll be nice soon :)

Anyway back to me. Feeling a bit meh still but gonna get over that soon enough. Here's to another tomorrow.

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