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Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20/11 Something Wicked

Well it's lovely 8 P.M. today. Well it's been 8 P.M. for a little while now so I guess that really isn't saying all that much on my end at least. Anyway, this will technically be the 3rd time I've woken up today. Which is probably to say that I've been sleeping too much :/

Well not technically so I had something to get done with on campus at 11ish. And I set my alarm at 8:30 but I got woken up by Eman leaving around 6:30 ish and so fighting off being awake I passed out again until just before 8:30 at which time I enjoyed a lovely shower. Having washed the sleep out of my eyes and forgetting anything I could have dreamed about, I thusly proceeded to start my day. I think I just missed the bus when I got to the bus stop but that's of little consequence as the bus I did get on had an open seat :). (As to why I'm so overly happy about such small things, consider that I dislike standing on a moving vehicle that jerks to a stop randomly.

Anyway got on campus around 10ish. Waited in Dirac for a bit and browsed my emails/checked up on things/got shit done? Well yeah I got some shit done at least. Kept up with the motions of daily hectic life. Finished what I came on campus for and then bus -> back to my friends place...

After which I proceeded yet again to go online for a bit in the vain hopes of enjoying some conversation time with the boyfriend. Instead after about an hour of staring at my computer screen, my body decided that Awake still? Nope. And so this was me:

Granted I don't think I necessarily face planted into the couch. BUT I wasn't particularly awake by any sense of the word. And then I woke up about 3 hours later and here I am now.

Which also brings on another small notation of how it's cold outside. I hate the cold. And this is partially one of the many reasons Kyle will never get me to move up north. Which begs the question of why I'm dating a cold climate person. :/

But yeah I need to stop by Whit's place and pick up my jacket and some other stuff. Namely the rest of my clothes. Because though it's quite awesome that I'm functional enough to cycle through the same 7ish shirts every week, I do miss having clean clothes... And before it gets absolutely freezing I want to wear my Hawaiian shirts a few more times :(

Though I guess part of me is truly wondering if I'm ever gonna be awake for myself. Well no that came out wrong. I dunno. Uhm... I think I'm ont totally awake as I type this blog entry. Note how my letters are relatively spelled correctly though. Amazing isn't it?

Anyway I have to go help Kyle with some 40k stuff. With any luck I'll have more random stuff to say tomorrow :)

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