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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/05/11 It never does end does it?

So in my fits of being less than productive today as I continue the search for a career based job... I've come on to 2 simple realities that I have to quickly decide upon.

And in that sense I have only one set of shoes but two equally possible and equally reasonable paths to take.

The first path of course is to actually go to grad school. I already took a GRE and I'm still "pliable" as it were for such things. And though I'd hell as not ever decide to go for something as trivial as Creative Writing or Literature... or a language for that matter. Instead no... this one will go for something more "useful?" Is that the right context for this word? Would anything that spans another 2 to 3 years of my life truly be deemed as such? Why yes. I could say that doing as much could be "useful." Ugh and then of course is the issue of funding. How do I fund this expedition into the unknown? School's expensive and TA-ships are neither guaranteed nor are they going to fall in my lap :(. Hell taking loans is gonna be a big step too... And of course since I'm not a Hospitality undergrad nor am I "experienced" in the field I won't be getting preferential treatment for acceptance... Oh the woes.

Alternatively of course is the second path. The career one. Of course this one isn't set in stone either. Getting a career job is like omg godsend at present. It'd be like suddenly having a lifetime worth of presents fall out of the air into my lap and I'd be like YUS MONIES. And that in turn would be like YUS CAREER! But of course thats a god send as well. Still looking for one yes but I'm not going to be so optimistic as to believe that I stand out enough for one to suddenly fall into my lap. I'll keep applying for them. Who knows maybe I'll get one? Yeah that'd be nice. I do have an "in" per se. Hell I know several people who've gotten jobs in the industry, just ask them for tips right? YUS.

And on another note. Basil. Fresh leaves for making Basil Chicken tomorrow. It'll be good I know it.

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