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Thursday, February 28, 2013

02/28/2013 Call Me Maybe?

Listening to remixes because I can.

This one in particular is rather catchy. And I'm not totally sure as to why I like it so much.

Yeah ^

It's stuck in my head like a mofo. And no its not because I'm a depressed little hopeless romantic. (which I'm not denying I am).

I'm searching for something out there. Like the lonely dove whom coos incessantly but to no avail as no one can hear him. Yes like that. Like a melodramatic soap that you have to hate because of the subject matter but you can't hate that much since it's somewhat touching.

Nonetheless many many things conspire against me. The least of which is myself. I don't really know how to love myself so how can I care about others?

My upbringing has turned me in a shallow mess of various things.

The most core of these aspects is that I don't know how to love.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

02/27/2013 Metaphysics

Well I suppose the correct term may or may not be metaphysics.

However the coincidental nature of my dream and how I woke up when some diety aspect in said dream told me the music would end soon. Yeah that's somewhat irritating/creepy/etc?

So in said dream, I'm all LADIDA! DREAM WORLD.

And then all of a sudden I'm trying to explain to someone the dimensional basis and property value as related to that which is lower hell and upper hell. As it would be. Upper hell is a separate plane of existence from lower hell.

In the planetarium that my mind created, upper hell is in semblance to a plane. A seemingly endless expanse of what I can assume must be matter that extends in all directions. Lower Hell and what I presume as Terra existed as tear drop shaped projections propelling away from either expanse of said plane. And though I can't say for sure if the three realms touched. I'm not one to question something along those lines.

In other news, sleep is a fleeting thing for me but such scientifically orienting dreams are uncommon place to me as subject matter that I readily remember from the dreamscape.

I can only wonder what it means for me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

02/26/2013 On Pokemon

Well I guess it's confession time once again.

I still play pokemon semi-regularly.

I say semi-regularly because my ds charger is shit and the cat using it as a chew toy hasn't exactly helped it's life span.

That being said.

I'm working on my soul silver again.

Yes I know I'm more into Heart Gold, but Target, Best Buy and Wal-Mart all conspired against me and wouldn't let me get one, so I had to go for the backup. And I'm not really complaining, I enjoy my Soul Silver.

It's a nice break from Gen V's graphics and all that jazz.

And then when I'm really in the mood I'll even go back to Gen 3 just so that I can say I caught Groudon without a masterball.

Monday, February 25, 2013

02/24/13 Well damn.

My card expires in what 4 days? FML to the max if I don't get that card or a replacement soon.

Yes I am that pathetic right now.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

02/24/2013 Valle

"True to Caesar" comes to mind.

But in completely unrelated news I'm contemplating life's great mysteries again and that of course means I only have 2 weeks until my fabled expedition to Atlanta.

It's been a good week. Lots of things got done. More and more were made practical and the kitty wasn't as much of a bastard as he sometimes can be. All in all good :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

02/22/2013 Trends

Spatial realities within the time and mind of the souls.

Each form and function realized over a millenia.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

02/21/2013 Wishing for sleep

Sleep is a fleeting thing in my life. I want it badly. I seriously do. Even more so I need someone to tell me that I'm doing the right thing. Which is asking too much of anyone even myself.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

02/19/2013 Rirori

I ended up on the twitter and had an interesting conversation with someone I barely know. We talked in fragments and each of us really wasn't directing any comments to the other person but we knew the other would be reading them.

Its in that moment that I realized that some times it's just better not to have a real meaning in the sentence that is just typed.

Monday, February 18, 2013

02/18/2013 Sleepless nights

On sleepless nights, like sleepless days, dreams are worse off than they ever could be.

Chinese noms was lovely today. It's been a while obviously so that's saying something that I'm eating it :p

Ah so the world.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

02/17/2013 Sound Sleep.

So I rested myself. Mind and body. Heart and Soul.

Rest in it's purest form is sleep. Closing of one's eyes. Placing the head on a pillow. And then conking out to have a one way pass to dream land.

I dreamed of visiting California again. I think it was Cali. My mind said it was; therefore it probably was. Visiting my friend Neil and hanging out. Yeah sounds about right.

I desire to be close to the people I care about.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

02/16/2013 Overwork.

This one overworks his butt off. Like for cereal. He's about to maybe get 2 hours of sleep in before another grind of 17 hours... That's not healthy right?

Friday, February 15, 2013

02/15/2013 Days Like Emotions

Are fleeting.

In each, that which is alive must contrive many obligations by which s/he has no permanent nature. And as such, even though the empirical evidence stands in a completely differing notion, the assumptions made are less likely to have any core effects on any if none of the symbiotic relationships. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

02/14/2013 Valentines

Well Good Day There.

This one is single this year. So today of all things he's rather lonely. Oh and it's like an hour before his work. Which means he shouldn't even be online. He should probably be getting dressed and washing the sleep from his eyes.

Yeah that would be productive. More so than being a little bitch about how his life is lonely and what not. Tonight isn't all that bad he supposes.

And for all the people who are happy. Let them be. They've earned that right for being wise and keeping whom they love close to them. It really doesn't make much difference besides. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

02/13/2013 Good for one's skin.

Sleep. And a black pepper brown sugar dermal scrub.

Yes it's another session of train of thought. Not really one topic but many and yet nothing being said all in the same train.

Badges. Badges. Badgers? Smug and handsome. Rough lines, concave, delicate but refracting as should be. Holding back? Why. Don't hold back. Go forward. Sakana. Niku. Fish. and Meat. Duck breast. taken from the bone. ground with spices. Hamburger mix? Wouldn't make sense with so few ingredients.

Add something.

Egg as an emulsifyer.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

02/12/2013 Drama

I love watching dramas. I'm quite partial to ones involving cooking and historical settings.

Which is why in the rare chance I see both.... :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

02/11/2013 On the Eleventh

This one finally woke from a catonic state.

And so begins yet another lovely evening of what is he going to do now?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

02/10/2013 Rasbiluto

From Russian or something like that. Supposedly the emotion one exhibits when thinking of someone from their past that they used to have a romantic attraction to.

And also explains why a piece of me feels like it's been smacked repeatedly by a hammer.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

02/09/2013 Nemo

Found again?

Snow and Blizzard conditions continue to ravage much of the US North East.

At this time this one is ok with these situations as he is making a good chunk of money from other people's misfourtune. That's bad isn't it? No? Maybe?

Well I wouldn't have a job if everyone was safe.

Friday, February 8, 2013

02/08/2013 Poisoned?

I awaken from Death's Miniature embrace somewhat refreshed. My soul aches still but seeing another piece of the dream realm is somewhat settling to my mind.

A beach. Watching horseshoe crabs spawning, other seaside related things. A piece of a dream I have a hard time focusing on. I suspect something is suppressing these conjured facsimiles. In which case I could only wonder what the hell I'm so afraid of delving into.

We don't put up walls for no reason. The fact that I can feel a mental barrier within my own psyche could relegate something... no?

Ah well I've got shit to do still. My night's only just begun. HOT SHOWER HO!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

02/07/2013 Remember When...

It's the evening and this one is feeling fat and that's probably a good thing considering he had his first meal in what 2 days?


Probably because I hadn't gone grocery shopping in a while and didn't have anything remotely healthy left to nom on. Which of course is probably why I bought overpriced portebello mushroom caps again.... Oh god I love them sooooooooo much... Sauteed in a bit of oil, sprinkle of salt, sprinkle of pepper a slicing of onions to pair and then on top of my penne :)

No it's not particularly nutrious, but I never claimed what I was eating was now did I?

And now I'm craving Stargazy pie. Never had it before. But watching a British show on Sardines is making me crave it. I seem to remember a Reading Rainbow episode about the children's book that ties into it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

02/06/2013 On the To-Do List

Taxes. Because I'm expecting a nice return.

Laundry, because clean clothes are awesome.

Change cat litter. Because Nasari will mutiny if I don't.

Deep Conditioning. Because the hair is starting to frizz at the edges.

Also. While I don't feel nearly as bad, I'm still irked that some of my friends aren't there for me as much as I would like them to be.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

02/05/2013 Les to think

Ugh damn that's bright. Damn all the brightness in the world right now.

Which I suppose is one of many reasons why I'm good enough at typing that I can do so without looking at the screen or my keys. Well no maybe not that well if I'm just letting my fingers d the talking.

I'm actually waking up AGAIN tonight. As in I was up at an earlier time.

The biggest thing to note is that this is pretty much my Sunday morning and I choose to sleep it off. Much like I'll be doing my Sunday night. Ugh the pains and perils of working a later shift.

Monday, February 4, 2013

02/04/2013 Further Escapades in the Dreamlandia

Besides finally having Stephen Fry cameo in a dream and various outrageous things happen... Including but not limited to finding a lost treasure of Roman and British treasures while on a retreat in a what I can only assume to be Arab nation.

Granted I have no idea why I'm dreaming of such things.

There are dark thoughts a brewing...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

02/03/2013 Shun The Frumious Bandersnatch

I was in a mildly depressive mood yesterday into this morning.

Nothing I can really fix outright. But that's a fact of my life, no?

Finally talked to someone I thought was a friend. That didn't end well... Yeah, lets just leave it at it didn't end well.

And I suppose my need for revelation and finding closure caused me to end in a downward spiral when the response I got from my initial message didn't conform to what I was expecting.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

02/02/2013 Swedish House Mafia

Because they're awesome and I thoroughly enjoy their music...

Also I love the premise of the music video.

How did I stumble upon it? I dunno I think I was browsing one of Bruno Mars' fan channels and then found this. It's a great video nonetheless and I do recommend everyone to enjoy it if they can :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

02/01/2013 More Dreams

I kept myself in the dreamscape a bit longer than I should have today. It was interesting to see the world as it stood and how my madness refused to allow me to have anything more than that.

I'd suspect that I am going insane in that sense.

Hold me m'dears. Wolf is searching. But that wolf is blind to the world around him.