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Monday, October 24, 2011

10/24/11 On the Present

Be that which will be most helpful. It could be an interesting analysis or an interesting train of thought. Either way it should end up proving to you some factor obscene or otherwise that'll put your skills to good use.

Of course to most people what I just typed is a mid of completely random BS with maybe a hint/dallop of WTF cream ontop. But of course like most other things and most of my recent facebook and twitter updates, it's just things that've been on my mind. Small smidules of letterings/phrasings that I'd like to think were part of the residual effect of my mind having been asleep recently. Well I think I was asleep recently. Anyway... Now that I'm awake, I've got lots and lots to think about. Lots yet and more. I've got to allocate funds in various directions... Oh that's right I don't really have funds :/

And so I've got to come up with some / apply for more job positions / Find some means of being more proactive in my approach to getting out of my present rutt.

A friend asked what depression feels like. And to be honest I don't have a good definition of it. It exists as a quality, that looms over me. Yet at the same time it prevails as a mass entity that has found a feeding ground within you. Kinda like that. But no two people are exactly the same. No one can truly feel what you've been through. And I doubt even a psychic link can have any real backing as to the pain qualities that one can/will experience.

Meh I need to stop downing myself.

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