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Friday, August 20, 2010

Tonight Better Be A Quiet Night

It's Friday Night and I have work in 2 hours... Did I mention I'm a supervisor now?

Strange really how things work out... But yeah yours truly is now a NS Supervisor. I'm covering a shift for a friend and though I really don't feel like going in, it's probably for the best that I do (I sprained my ankle yesterday and had one too many glasses of wine this morning).

The cute guy I'm hitting on doesn't suspect my influence yet ;p Maybe I'll have the guts to say something in person.

Presently Re-Reading FFF to get myself back in the writing spirit... Which reminds me... I never finished Kaltag's story :(

Flash Fiction Forward: 80 Very Short Stories

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Last Day

It's the day before Summer ends. I'm here at my laptop typing. I offered a few pieces of Flash Fiction for free as a scheme to get more people interested in my work and as a suitable writing practice. *cough* Well that was a week ago. Or more. I still haven't done them :P

Well that's not totally true since I did one! Aprice asked for circus themed sheep and I gave her just that. It'd be nice if I could get the other 5 I planned down and running.

And so without much more to think of I think I'll get started. I still owe Kaltag one since he'll probably bug me till the end of time if I don't get to him. (well it's more like an art trade with him, since he's sketching something for me)

I'll try and get more regular entries as I progress.

Friday, July 16, 2010


It's Friday the first day of my week.

I woke up 2 hours before my psych evaluation and am simply browsing the internet. The plastic container of cream soda sitting at my side is half full. Ok not really it's more like 3/4s full. It's nice though, smooth and cool and scented of vanilla.

I had a fight with Fao this morning. and I realized. I really don't know him that well. I want to say I do, but I really don't. He isn't always comfortable telling me even the small things. But I have hope. Maybe he'll get around to feeling more comfortable with me one day. Yes I can dream too...

Hot shower after some more homework... and then well maybe I'll try and get some food in my system.

The saying is "Hold your chin up." isn't it? Okay.

Fen signing out.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Today is Thursday and no I haven't done anything productive yet. Setting up a blog is hardly what one would call productive in my mindset.

I survived ODing on 5 Xanaxes yesterday and in the subsequent time I ended up discovering my love for Loca Mocha Monsters (think delicious coffee spiked with more caffeine).

I worked last night and I'm awake now... which isn't healthy, but no work this evening for this tired wolf. And so he rests here at his computer, talking with random people and wondering how he's going to find the funds he needs.

About Time

About Time I made this... Well OK I've had the idea to for sometime. And I've just been putting it off indefinitely.

And so without futher adieu, Good Day internets, Fenrari is calling :)