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Friday, December 9, 2011

12/09/11 Let's be honest

Or tell lies. Either way something will end up being said.

I slept in today. Last night I got woken up by one of the people in the apartment doing laundry at midnight... And then using the extended dry cycle so it didn't stop until 3 or 4 in the morning. Now normally most sounds don't even affect me. Hell after my stint with my night job, a party could be happening and I'd still tune it out and sleep. But that mixed with my general blank/dazed-ness kept me up half the night. And as is fitting in such a fashion, my body gave me the righteous middle finger and the sandman visited. So yes I wasn't productive at all today because I slept. And in sleeping, I have the feeling that my body needed it. And yes even more so I note that the shifts in verb tense is annoying and awkward and the like.

But ya know I could care less about grammar at the present. When I do look over this in the future. (Which is partially the reason I even began writing these blog entries). I'll probably first note the omittion of certain words. In my speed to type things, I often mistakenly not notice the fact that I've written things or rather, not written things. In this respect even with my inability to focus on specific topics long enough to note things of non-dynamic purposes I do realize some practical use in all of them.

Which is to say that when someone besides me reads this, s/he will note a distinct jump in topics just now as I continue forward in my plans of being a writer.

With the conclusion of my interview this past week, I've had the time to sit back a bit and try to pace my train of thought. Which at the present is still hurtling down a path of WTF is going on here. I want to be optimistic. I want to say that yes I made a very nice presentation of my personal skill ability and sets and that the questions I've posed were both informative and engaging. But optimism isn't going to get me dinner. Nor will it make me stronger in any sense of the word. Rather it'll just make me realize that I'm not at my potential and that I haven't fallen to the bottom yet.

What is the bottom then? That location of eternal endlessness. I want to see it sooner or later.

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