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Sunday, January 6, 2013

01/06/2013 Smells like burned wool.

Burned wool? Refine that to burned lint.

Something either died or is now cooking dreadfully in the air vents. I am not happy about this.

It smells of death in my room right now. Which of course may be a side effect of that or the kitty litter box's smells of doom.

I'm not exactly sure which one is worse right now.

Work soon and me getting dressed for it.

Lots of stuff that I have to work out the kinks to and time I'm not sure where I'll find. But ya know I'm good with things like that. I have a notebook again. It's evolved from it's previous incarnation and I have a good mental status of it all.

Kitty is a bitch. I hate how smug he looks all the time. Or the way he has to sleep on my hair. Or generally how long he seems to be. How can he exist? I for one don't know.

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