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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Waking Up

It wasn't even noon when I woke up today, not to the feeling of relaxation from actually getting to sleep for once.

Nope instead I wake up to three really unpleasant factors all balled into the same conundrum that is equally annoying.

The first of course being that one of my three roommates invited a female friend over and they wouldn't fucking shut up. Now I don't have any power over what they say or do but god damn it I just got back home from work less than 5 hours ago and I don't want to have to listen to you lovers conversations as I try to get some rest. And I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. It's that whispering thats loud enough for you to make out that it's whispering but you really can't tell what they're saying because it's sooooooo low.

The second of the trio is that I had this intense pain my chest coupled with the fact that I seem to have been crying in my sleep. Now on a normal basis I'd suspect that I was going through a not so pleasant regression phase where I was thinking of better times with the ex. However I tested that theory and noted to great satisfaction that it wasn't caused by it. I'll have to wonder what exactly triggered it and to the best of my understanding either some type of dietary fluke is screwing with my emotional health OR I probably have some kind of yet undiagnosed medical condition that I should probably get looked at.

Lastly of this set is the stress of anticipation. I've a convention next week that I'm amazingly psyched to go to at this time. And of course I'm not one to like waiting... It'll come and it'll go but I want it to be here now :p

Well that's really all for now. My head isn't particularly happy with the prospect of having to get off my ass to walk to the on campus post-office to check on my delivery, but I've been waiting for this package (of the several that I still have yet to get) so off my lazy ass again and to the Union.

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