The morning air really was getting on the Imperial's nerves. It smelled of dank water, human sewage and the persistent stench of salmon left to rot.
But then again. This is Riften. What more could he have suspected. The mead had flown nicely the night before at the Bee and Barb and now positively hungover from his experience, the young adventurer set out once again in hopes of figuring out the mysteries of being named a Dovahkiin. What was it that the guard had said? Something about visiting the grey-beards? So some old men on the peak of the highest mountain in this frozen wasteland could seriously offer any help for him?
Well it's not like there was any real rush. He'd only survived 2 hit squads a random assassin and stabbed his way through slews of draughr and what must have been a quarter of the population of this province in bandits. But they never seemed to end. And that's not even beginning on the wildlife. Which made him wonder that much more as he began to notice the sheer size of what the locals had called "wolves."
Unlike the roaming individuals found in his native Cyrodill, the wolves of Skyrim were literally huge. Monstrous beasts that grew to the size of small cattle, these creatures hunted in packs. Their size being no worse than their speed and ability to coordinate tagged assaults. But the strangest and most interesting part to Galeyn though was their keen sense of detection and sheer relentlessness. What was it about their physique that made them stay to the frozen tundra lands when areas such as the Rift offered considerably easier prey selections with a fraction of the effort necessary?
Questions like this frequented the young warriors heart. And so he took his vorpral axe in hand and stood a while in thought. There really was no point in staying here much longer. His business with the Guild had thusly past as a success he could only look forward at new prospects in adventures ahead. It wouldn't be a bad idea to visit Whiterun again. His husband Scouts-Many-Marshes would undoubtedly have a delicious homecooked meal ready when he arove.
Also apparently "arove" isn't a real word. At least this spell check didn't find one. I'm applying for jobs in the San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Cleveland areas. I forsee one of them giving me a hit :)
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