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Monday, January 23, 2012

01/23/12 Walking

Is generally good for your health. As is all exercise really. I enjoyed a leisurely 45 minute stroll this evening around the neighborhood and made a link on 4square for a location that I will make as my "residence."

It's a lie of course I don't really live in that particular cul-de-sac or however it's spelled. I presently reside in a home that I do not own in conditions that are very pleasant but non-conducive to a positive emotional health stability rating.

I don't have many friends still in the area and oh... totes should mention that my feet are burning at the moment. I normally wear socks and these heavy boots when I walk around but it was a nice evening and my socks were in the washer so I didn't wear them. I was soooo foolish to do such a thing :( So yeah I walked 2.5 ish miles in flipflops. And as you may know, walking in flip flops is bad for people without calluses on their feet. Well I made that up just now but yeah I seemed to have rubbed away a layer of skin from the front of my feet.

It's not hurting badly or anything like that but walking along these hard wood floors is causing this light burning sensation on my feet that aren't very pleasant. I'll live and by morning the pain will have subsided and another layer or 20 of epethlial tissue will have moved outward and replaced what I've lost.

But that's for tomorrow.

Today I was productive enough to my own rights. I don't know whats wrong with my phone sadly and as such I'm still having issues getting it to obey me and send the photos of the food I had in San Jose. Which of course means my food blog keeps getting delayed :/ I WILL FIGURE OUT THIS PHONE!

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