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Thursday, January 5, 2012

01/05/12 Back

Rather I should note that back in this sense of the word refers to my lumbar region and not simply in reference to returning or something that is behind something else.

As I may have mentioned in a past post some time ago, I have self-diagnosed myself with lumbago. And unlike various other disorders I could have diagnosed myself with. Lumbago is a real disorder that simply is characterized by pain in a specific region, rather than anything more specific as would be found if I had said that I was OCD or possibly some other psychological disorder.

But you see this is simply pain. And while pain is the negative stimulation of nerve endings and what not, mine is characteristically of the chronic varient. Which probably means I either hurt my back doing something or one of my bones is fucked up.

I'd like to think that it's something completely curable. That with a stab in my lower back with a needle or something of the like, I'll scream in pain for a few seconds, breathe and then be ok. But yeah I need something like a miracle to fix my back pain. Well I'd like something to.

Alternatively I could totally just start taking hot baths and see if a strong heat treatment would be suffice to fix my issues.

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