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Saturday, January 21, 2012

01/21/12 Oh god my sinuses

G'day sirs and madams.

I am ill.

With some type of seasonal-varient infection of the nasal passages. I.e. I just made up some words to say that I have a cold at the moment. One that is fucking with my way of life. And one that is making me quite irate over things. I can't breathe. And more importantly my nose is stuffed to high heaven. Which when added to the fact that I sleep on the floor means I suffer from a really bad case of nasal drip caused by the lack of elevation between my nose and the my throat. This also explains why when I wake up from resting, I experience a most unsettling sensation in my nasal passages which I can only safely assume to be caused by the previous.

This is also of course to say that though I have all of this herbal medicine knowledge at my disposal, I am confounded because I've misplaced BOTH of my bottles of Eucalyptus oil. If I had just one of those bottles I could magically make a Steam Inhalation and if not cure my sinus woes, at least I would be in a much less compromising position. Compromising in the sense of general discomfort anyway.

So tomorrow is this big Chinese New Year's celebration that's going to happen. And while the actual day is the 23rd, it's a Monday for us in the states, and I was roped into cooking for it because I'm here. No I don't want to be here. No I really don't. I want to be independent enough to have a place of my own. A job that pays at least slightly higher than a living wage and to be close enough to friends and family to enjoy time with them once in a while.

Oh that's right my throat's been retarded up to late as well. As in it's really really not feeling that well :(

But that's enough of randomness about me being ill. I'll always be like this huh? ANYWAY!

I live. For now.

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