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Sunday, April 15, 2012

04/15/12 Hm. Somber Notes

Music is one of the easiest forms of communication by which many groups can understand. This is in large part due to the connection most people have between melodies and rhythms as to their connected values.

Even more so, it is thought that human beings are inherently attracted to rhythm due to it being the first sound that can be heard while within the womb.

And it is thus that I contemplate the nature of music. Or rather as I find a purpose to, I continue to type.


I've had 2 messages sitting in my inbox for a while now. One is from the 8th and the other the 2nd. They've been there sitting. Not really doing anything special. I sit here and let them wait.

What could seriously be worse that what I've already experienced?

Why do I not just open or delete them or compose a new message and get it over with? Hm? I could. I know I can. I really should. But that would just end another phase of something that never was hm?

For it is part of growing up.

To admit one's faults.


It is part of growing up.

To face the consequences of one's actions.


Who am I kidding? I haven't grown up at all. Nope, not at all. Nothing more of it.



I'm back from my evening stroll. The family isn't here. Guess I'll just make another batch of ramen and call it a night. That's life isn't it? 

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