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Saturday, April 14, 2012

04/14/12 Pain

Pain is the body's response to note the individual that something is wrong. Notably, it comes in 2 variants, Physical and Emotional.

Of course while other forms of pain do exist, coverage of all forms would require indepth studies into the matter as the tolerance levels of some individuals negate many factors contributing to the discovery and resolution of noted pain.

Physical pain is caused by messages sent by pain receptors located throughout the individual. The higher level intelligence the organism is capable of, the more pain receptors he/she/it has. Furthermore by being able to perceive it's environment these individuals are thusly able to note not only differences in types of pain (thermal, chemical, mechanical, etc.).

Emotional pain on the other hand is a much more complex matter.

As this one originates in the mind and deviates outwards into formats that the body experiences through other notable issues. Thusly emotional pain can be felt from areas other than the mind (where emotions are processed). Internally the area surrounding the heart muscle is notable as one of the main locations where such pain can be noticed. As emotional delerium progresses past the initial states of  being secluded to the mind, it becomes an increasingly notable as it will manifest itself in the form of physical pain.


So as it would be. Some small miniscule note has once again stabbed me emotionally and sent me on a whirlwind through fate's door and thusly caused me much pain emotionally. Yes that is the cause. But that's a different story. I will note that this is an interesting study though. Using one's self as the case study makes it impossible for the researcher not to be biased or become emotionally vested in the outcome, be it positive or negative.

The trigger was several hours ago. A small notation of something that must have recently happened. And then I did the worst thing possible. I tried to sleep it off. This is of course foolish. As trying to do so only let the wound fester deeper and longer than necessary. Without clairty of judgement to push away all of the foolish entitlements. The subconscious allowed this nodule to grow to painful and I mean painful proportions.

At this very moment of me typing this blog entry I have acute pain centering in what I would assume is my heart muscle. I'd say about a 2 in centralized area. The feeling is steady. There are things that may cause it to inadvertently flare but I don't really know the exact triggers so I'm walling myself off from many forms of stimuli.

I haven't ingested any caffeine presently and I've limited my sugar intake over what I would normally consume via food. Keeping hydrated with water.

I'll monitor the pain and if it gets too overwhelming I'll have a long cold soak while listening to Pianissimo 1 and 2 on loop. The music doesn't really do much but being able to focus on something else is a noted trick to forcing the mind away from the issue on hand and thus lowering stress levels at least a small amount.

I thusly note that I don't want this pain. It can go fuck itself :) Rather the practice of keeping track of it is a great method by which I have been taught of managing stress levels. My medium of existence lies in words. Words have the power to change people, their emotions and how they perceive the world. Now if only I can remember idiotic structures of English conventional grammar I will be able to give unto the world what my mind dictates.


In other notations, I question why exactly everyone keeps opening up to me. I'll be honest in saying that I don't want it. At the present it acts as another stressor, building upon my mind and soul a weight by which I can neither lift nor fix. 

 "Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world."
- The Buddha

Sorry that Civ quote popped in my head just now. And so I had to google and look it up to make sure I got the words right.

Also Lenard Nemoy is free to narrate my life. Well not all of it. Its not that interesting. But in context or rather without it, it can be a lovely story.

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