No I haven't devolved to a previous state at which time I suddenly felt like playing with legos again. Rather the issue on hand here is the fact that my laptop was running slower than usual and my SpeedFan program was warning me of unsafe GPU, HD and Core temperatures.
Like a crazy person I thought I should actually overheat my laptop in an attempt for some of the backup fans to kick in.
Rather I wised up and dug out an old screwdriver. Fiddling for 10 minutes at uberly small screws I finally was able to pop off the lid of my laptop. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!
Note that I'm still quite cautious about the whole thing as I worry that I might void my warranty somehow. (I'd rather not since I payed for the extended 3 year package, It was like an extra $300 but I have a feeling this girl will be with me for a long long time).
ANYWAY! back to the story on hand, already in progress. I undid the screws for the fan leading to my GPU and found a literal brick of dust and hair. :/ And I mean this thing was the size of a lego and nearly as thick. I literally pealed that thing off the vent of the fan! It must have been at least a quarter inch thick and reminded me intensely of one of those 4x2 board brick legos. Minus the hollow inside and the circular ridges and what not else.
Moving along I tried to pop out the other fan but found that it was securely in place and not in the mood to move out of it's designated location. I was thusly forced to settle with it being where it was and move on with my day. As soon as I turned my laptop back on I could immediately notice a difference in performance with graphics based applications. No blaring fans this evening!
Even more exciting, I realized that my FPS rose back to last years levels :)
And though my victory may yet be short-lived, I can revel in it's general awesomeness.
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