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Monday, February 6, 2012

02/06/12 Thinking Out Loud

So while talking with a friend or rather commenting on her status; facebook noted that the following video was part of  a link my friend posted.

And then I was like hm... That's cute. And old.

As I continued into the comments of other people I was notified that yes there was a football-esque related racism controversy sparking and what not.

The Chinese person sitting at this desk responding, of course, doesn't give 2 shits about this subject. Because while yes I find it somewhat offensive in the the story that was posted (Granted that I accept that many people AMERICANS INCLUDED fuck up the English language, and past experiences with non-adept members of Asian culture sowed the seeds of racial language stereotyping; I still find it offensive when Americans emphasize this fact), at the same time the subject matter on hand was quite interesting.

America is in debt. No one will deny that. As I noted and from what I remember from American history back in the 10th grade... America has been in debt for the past what 200+ years ish? ISH.

Which is to say I don't really know statistics and like many other Americans I don't give a shit the exact date as long as the core of my informational context is correct. Among other things I stand in a unique location in the present time/space continuity. While outwardly I am 100% Chinese (hell I was born there which makes me a native pure blood :p); I've been raised amongst Americans and I forsee myself marrying one, one of these days.

That being said I am eternally torn between worlds. On one side I am expected to "act" Asian because that is how the heritage of my forefathers sees it. On the other, my upbringing dictates that I am different from everyone else. To treat me like the others is a farce if there ever was such a thing. Ah but that doesn't explain the conundrum. I stand in between these two very different schools of thinking. One ancient, the other not nearly as much. As I examine the concepts found in each, I have yet to wonder where exactly I belong.

Do I belong to the side that I embrace, who's doctrine I can help create? Or do I keep to the ways of old and become a descendent of my forefathers?


In other news I just finished a bar of white chocolate. IT WAS SO GOD DAMN SWEET >:( Which is to say that while I thoroughly enjoyed the flavor as the mild nuttyness of the coconut was very delicious and the flaked/ground nature of the same added a delightful mouthfeel contrast; the sugar content of the whole bar (which I realize wasn't the creators intention for me to consume the whole bar in one sitting in less than 10 minutes) was too god damn high for my palate. I am now thinking that I will suffer most indignantly from the high sucrose content until I succumb either to violent and uncontrollable spasms of sugar intoxication or I say fuck this and go down stairs for a bottle of tap water.

As I think further on the matter. This chocolate really does work for me. Not in the sense that I'd die without it or anything. Rather it's the preparation and presentation. Like I noted before the flavor and texture of this particular piece are very pleasing to the palate (even if the sugar content is dis favorable); The particular way the product is in neat squares and in a white and yellow paper container is also most agreeable and probably part of why I even contemplated and grabbed it. Ah tis how I think.

Anyway I am once again rambling but I have let a good piece of my soul pour into this particular written form. I'll have to let the soulshards recharge a bit before I leak too much of my essence into this form and create a deviant being that wishes to wage war against me!

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