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Monday, February 20, 2012

02/20/12 Alice

Just as a note the title of today's blog entry references the infamous Lewis Carrol creation rather than say a real Alice or what not else.

This of course spurs from the fact that I have a copy of Master Carrol's epic stories to my right.

Today has been mostly blah of the blah nature and of the blah continuous mind set/frame. For you see I got drunk last night. And it was not fun. No sirs and madams I do not intend to duplicate the effects of that again. For you see it's not a fun feeling. I was chatting with a friend and as I realized it my words began bouncing together. And then as the conversations and words progressed deeper down the rabbit hole I was whimsical and lost and sounded like shit.

I don't plan to be drinking anytime soon. Yes I have to reiterate that to myself. Because though many of my friends are likely to offer me something in the near to distant future. I'm going to turn them down quite vehemently. I hate shitty wines. And I must realize that investing a few more dollars in for a bottle that actually tastes good.

On an unrelated note. Greasy foods taste good. Shrimps when stir-fried taste better with a generous addage of chicken stock. A deliciousness only possible from the marriage of shrimp oils and garlic/ginger/scallions. DELICIOUSNESS!

Anyway fought a hangover headache. Alive. Doing well. Have food planned for tomorrow. Blogged tonight. Winning!

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