In life there are many rules and regulations that we all must live by. Think of your day to day and the importance of these regulations. Be they fair and just or unreasonable and rash; we are bound by these imaginary boundary lines. Look around your day to day. Think about all that they have done and will do for you.
Take for instance the speed limits enforced by the police. Do they have a purpose? Yes. This is an example of a societal law. It was enacted to regulate and impart safety for all whom would use the road.
Then think for an example the use of taxes. This too is covered under rules and regulations. Why? Simple. Individuals who impart a percentage of their earnings enrich all around them.
But that isn't what came to mind today as I type.
Rather I was considering other factors in mind.
For example. What about the the processes that one should live by?
Almost every society has something similar to what is considered "The Golden Rule." Which in theory would be great but in practicality (especially in today's world of mixing cultures) fails to truly own up to the status and quality by which individuals are expected to treat each other. Though at the same time the state of mind that allows for so many individuals to both think and treat such matters at the same level is still quite interesting.
As for why the Golden Rule is a bad concept. Consider the basis of it. "Treat others as you wished to be treated." In essence this is a great concept. Because MOST people wish to be treated with respect/compassion/honesty/etc. However what about individuals who have no sense of being and want to die? What about those who are masochists and thrive on inflicted pain. And most troubling. How about those who seek to belittle themselves as a means of balance their mental status. By mentally imposing themselves upon others; what then happens?
And thus I considered it.
And said. Screw the Golden Rule. It has little place in a world where all of what I've listed and more exist.
Instead I offer 3 simple rules that will make the world better.
1. Respect. Yourself and Others. Their property; their beliefs; their heritage; and their beings. I don't think that covers everything. But it gives a good outline as to the things that I think matter. If you're respecting someone else's belief system; it means you won't be imposing your own on them right? Likewise to culture and personal affiliations. Thus we can stop the indoctrination of individuals into systems of belief that they may or may not be comfortable with.
2. Love - Love one's self. Love the people you care about. Love those whom you should care about. Love. It's a powerful word. But it's inherent personality is amazing. It's the difference between sanity and being lost. And more importantly it's the warm feeling you get in your chest that makes all the bad things of the world go away. There's few emotional states so interesting that I could write so much about. But that's for another time.
3. Dream. Of a better tomorrow. Of a future you're part of. Of dragons and elves and fantastical things. It is in dreams that I base the future. For without being able to form a piece of the future; what future is there to live and wonder and lust for? It is in Dreams that we are able to truly see our own potential; to see that which our own minds and hearts can achieve. And it is in Dreams that anything can happen.
These are the three tenets I live by. These are the three that can bring about a new Age. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. We'll just have to see how much we can dream. How much we can love. And how much we can learn to respect. No?
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