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Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 Trinity Limit and Considering Time Travel

So yes today of all days is both auspicious and quite interesting all in the same. For today is the release of Skyrim and also the marker of the only 11/11/11 I will likely see in my life time.

Granted this truly is not that special considering most day set combinations will only be seen once in my life time. BUT! I dunno where I wanted to go with this... Anyway as my facebook keeps alerting me, today is supposed to be "The most epic wish ever" which rightfully should be renamed "The most epic wish of our time." Anyway it's supposed to happen in a few hours at 11:11:11 which would make this number combination most unusual and special to the masses.

BUT! Ya know now that I consider it as a piece of the bigger picture. What really is so special about this day? After all the human time concept is in itself just a concept. It's a form of measurement designed by humans for a practical human purpose. Nature doesn't measure time in such a form. And for the most part our concept of time is likely very skewed considering what exactly is the "start" that people which to note from.

Because if you consider that fact. IF humans had started measuring time 3 hours before what we now have as the accepted start of time... then It'd already be past the magical moment wouldn't it? And then if you added other factors such as shifts in the solar system and possible alien interference... You'd come to realize that we as humans really don't know what time is.

Now if this was from a day and age of another... such that we can consider and note how our views of the world change and mold, we'd note how Doctor Who's concept of a time stream seems to have a somewhat truthful effect on one mode of thinking. While yes in fact the butterfly effect seems to be non-existent in the DW universe, well unless it's the main point of the story arc that a change in the past or the present affects the present or the future of course. Dynamic systems however would note that due to unforseen circumstances, the formation of outside factors is indeed a possibility as to how this set works.

And before I go into things I'm neither qualified to speak about nor am I really willing to explore... I'll drop it :/ It's an interesting concept of course. Since paradoxes exist in all forms of time travel. And if one could possibly overcome said paradox then in theory there's nothing awkward or unusual or special about this fact.

Though I must consider that the biggest reason anyone would in theory want to go back in time is to change a event.

Consider that Subject A: Evan witnesses a car crash that kills his mother on January 2nd. Now the logical thing would be to grieve, and possibly enter a field that specializes in safety or possibly fall into a spiraling circle of depression.

However if Evan were instead to go into a diabolical and possibly maddening obsession and instead develop a means by which to travel back into the past, and thusly change the past. Well considering this idea if he does end up saving his mother from the car crash, then two things must simultaneously happen. The first being that he has to die as two of the same element can't exist simultaneously in a time stream. The second course that must happen is that there must be a perpetrating reason for his going back in time. So before he dies/vanishes/ceases to exist he must introduce a reason for his future self to go back in time again, thus replicating the continuity of the system.

And now I really will stop talking about this since I've got other stuff on my mind.


Today as I browse my Steam friends list. I note many of them are playing Skyrim. And with that thought... I am saddened :( And rather more sad because I don't forsee myself getting a copy anytime in the near future. :/ Please ignore my emotional state. My current financial and living situations are being a detriment to my mood it would seem. Nevermind. Talk to you guys later.

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