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Thursday, March 29, 2012

03/29/12 Despicable Me.

Now I do realize that when I typed this name for my post, there was a movie of sorts that also was noted as to being my current state of mind.

Which isn't to say that I despise myself, nor is it to say that I am to be despised. Rather it is the deep and unsettled feeling within my chest that tells me that I shouldn't have to feel this way at all.

And while I know better than to let such things trouble me so. And even more so because I'm a strong, respectable individual who's overcome much much worse things... I can't help but to feel at least a bit irked over the whole matter, no?

While the obvious answer to the matter is that yes, I probably deserve most of this bullshit. The more subtle/logic based side of me notes other factors to be brought to account. And like such, nothing can be thought of more so than such. Does it bother me? You bet it does. Am I going to get over it. Likewise a yes.

For the time being though... For the time being I'm simply not pleased with the course of action thus happened.

What am I going to do about it though? Something has to be done to rectify the general pissed-offness that I possess. Much like other factors constant, I have to bring myself to realize that I deserve better.

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