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Saturday, March 3, 2012

03/03/12 Exalted

What's after the grind of Friendly, Honored, and Revered? Exalted! EXALTED!

Such is the naming that comes to mind when I think of my status or rather the status I wish. But of that I'll leave for another time.

Today's been a relatively unafflicting one.

Spent the morning making a most delicious roast duck. A basic salt + pepper and rosemary blend that was perfect for nomming on.

Then a few hours of yard work remulching.

Followed by shopping. And meeting a random black dude who came up to me out of the blue and started talking to me in Chinese. Well ok it wasn't that random.

Setting the scene properly, I was in a Sam's Club just shopping as is the case of my normal weekend event status. And as we passed the baked goods area, a black man, I'd reckon around 40ish came up to me and asked if I was Chinese. To which I responded "Yes" and then it basically went to random conversation where he tried his best to pronounce the words for "good day, nice meet you and what is your name." I should have lied and told him my name was Bob or something along those lines.

Not that it matters now. Granted the total immersion strategy for learning a language is most effective if you try it. So I guess he was just doing what he was intending to do.

Now what does this have to do with Exalted? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Reputation was just something I had in mind. The word Exalted likely as much. And so I thought about it and made it in my mind to contemplate it. And thusly I did.

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