And on this day I did say. FUCK IT. :)
Well it is new years. Well it should be new years in a few hours. 4ish EST.
It's gonna be a long night for me as I've got things to do. Lots and lots of things. And these things must be done soonisher rather than later-er.
Today was a beach sorta day. Mantanzas state park was graced by my presence and I was able to catch a photo of some varient of elusive turtle before his gracefulness slipped back beneath the waves. His tiny flippers dainty gadgets of superior water movement whose form echoed sentiments of freedom as he paddled beneath the waves. Well no it could be a she. Or an assexual turtle. As an individual who was not about to jump off the bridge to make sure one way or another, I can only assume that this was indeed a male turtle.
Among other things I got pictures of... 2 tortoises conversering. Or sunbathing. Or ya know whatever gopher tortoises do in their spare time. These two seemed perfectly content sitting there as I gawked at them and snapped several pictures. For all I know they could be dueling for mating rights or ya know waiting for some hot female tortoise to stumble slowly by.

Oh and this guy. Girl/hermaphrodite. I dunno. I think sea urchins are herms right? Well it was alive. creepy little thing with those little spikes of it's moving around like they were. Found 2 of them actually, this being the second one. Though I must kinda admit that that little mouth and beak of its were cute and that in general this little one was quite interesting to examine and in general contemplate over. How his existence was different today of all days because a monster removed him from his aquatic environment to touch him all over. It's an interesting sensation to have a sea urchin walk over you. Much like having a sea star do the same thing. Kinda like hundreds of little needles tapping parts of your hand to see if it's safe to walk on and then gingerly each one moves a little. And then turn your head and it's moved out of your hand and back onto the sand. The waves lapping the world slowly away and the sea urchin back on to it's own buisness and searching for that next clump of algae to nom on. For that's really all it cares about. It doesn't give a shit about the world around it or how it's probably going to be an endangered species soon. Nope in the end, it's just content being itself.
It'll be the new year soon. A new chance for me to begin anew. And ya know live and be happy and whatever else.
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