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Friday, December 23, 2011

12/23/11 It's going to be a good day.

So after much scrounging, I found enough favors to cash in for maximum effect. Well to say the least I seem to have made good deals in friends. And while it is a bother the people that I've thusly had to rely on haven't always pulled through for me, I must admit that I'm really not sure what to have expected when I asked for help. It's likely a sign of exactly what I should have expected when I though that much of such.

Yes my words aren't exactly sensible at this day and time. It's only 8 A.M. local time. I'm up because my body was like: SUDDEN HEART IMPLOSION FEELING! WAKE UP! And I was like UGH, but I looked at the window and there was light so I felt I might as well.

I've got lots of stuff to do today the least of which is getting my stuff in order for a trip back to Jacksonville. I've got the dreams and wishes of several people riding on this. So yeah.

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