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Friday, May 31, 2013

5/30/2013 Last Day of May

May's finally over?

Already? But I've only just met you :( Please don't go just yet. I want to spend some more time with you.

If you go....

That means it'll be June.

And then I have to get older.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

05/30/2013 Flames

I'm really sad right now. It's hard to explain exactly why.

And I really don't want to go into it. I'll leave it be I suppose.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

05/29/2013 Lack of Validity

The cats are hungry.

And yes I am too.

I'm going to get dressed and get some of that food in me now.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

05/28/2013 Home is?

Home is where the heart is, home is where the heart is at peace.

Well no, to either. I am at peace where-ever I want to be.

At the current time, home is where my two bastards live. White and black tip both reside with me in this apartment and I am home with them.
 Both are sleeping on my bed and being lazy bastards and all is at peace.

Monday, May 27, 2013

05/27/2013 Holiday

So it's a corporate holiday for most people.

I am not most people.

I am a workaholic.

Indeed. I've worked more overtime hours in the last year than the rest of my team combined. It's gotten to the point where my supervisor has asked if I'd like some days off and has been helping to push through some of my time off requests.

That's a bad thing right?

Ah well I like the monies.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

05/26/2013 Fat

That's how I'm feeling at the moment. And yes I'm aware that feeling fat and being fat are two different things. The first being the perception and quality of the mind being in a specific manner and the latter being the actual quality of having an unhealthy amount of adipose tissue.

Granted the fact remains that I don't really give a damn about being unhealthy.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

05/25/2013 Misery

What in the end is conflict?

What is the meaning of finding peace in one's self?

It is the ability of one know the righteous path and bar out the madness that would drive him or her to find depravity.

It is the solace brought by knowing and earning one's keep in the greater scheme of the world.

In this one must find and learn; In this one must be and prosper.

Friday, May 24, 2013

05/24/2013 What size shirt do you wear?

Definitely one of my more random questions.

What provokes it?

Simple. Someone on my twitter feed mentioned wanting a T-shirt.

I really don't know him all that well so I have honestly no clue what size shirt he wears. I suppose it doesn't really matter since I don't plan on getting him said shirt. 

In other news. Cleaning in progress. Haven't gotten far with it mind you but progress is progress. 

Also kittens. They smell clean. And I like that clean smell on them. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

05/23/2013 A Well Deserved Rest

It will be Friday soon. And with it, another week past.

I've done well for myself if I do say so.

I'm in a stable position of mind and body for the time. And while I could do better with cooking things that are actually nutritiously sound.

I really don't have must to talk about at this moment, maybe I'll be back at a later time to fix and write more. Till then.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

05/22/2013 Registration

Currently and still unsuccessfully attempting to register for this event I want to go to next year.

And the system is going down. Repeatedly Because several hundred other people are also doing the exact same thing. As such. Their system is crashing and I'm frustrated like no other.

Also it's my Friday, so work soon. Ugh. Work.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

05/21/2013 Rest

What is rest but the absence of action?

What is sleep but one's feeble attempts to get said rest?

I couldn't tell you. And better yet I wouldn't want to.

It's moments before I should leave for work but rather than getting ready and making sure I have all of my possessions equipped, instead I watch my cats wage war on each other. Kitty A has very recently had his hunger sated and is thus sitting at the foot of my bed to plot world domination.

Kitty B is on my floor. He's mad that I won't let him nibble on the ethernet cords anymore. It's for his own good. He looks around and nervously paws at the carpet. He hasn't been feeling very well up to late. I almost feel bad.

They're both at what would be known as "rest" Though in reality both of them are doing nothing. And as such they act as nothing and nothing moves and is never more at rest.

Monday, May 20, 2013

05/20/2013 Flying too close to the Sun

Yes it's another day when my title is an obscure reference with me not giving you any context on the matter.

I'm here at home still. calmly waiting for my hair to dry itself out. As I finally decided to do another session of deep conditioning :)

It's going to be one of those longer nights undoubtedly. Haven't worked Mondays in ages but with the schedule change I'll have to do my best to make sure I'm sane for this.

Redbulls and other not so healthies away!

In other news. kittens are both doing well. The black patches on Morgam's legs are getting darker and I think he's growing into his adult coat. Nasari on the other hand is remaining the same as ever.

And while both of my kittens are loveable bastards, I can't help but think they're secretly brilliant animals and that I haven't found their skills yet.

Also shout out to awesome showergel. The Old Spice wolfthorn or whatever it's called is awesome on my skin :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

05/19/2013 Rain

Lightning, Thunder, and Rain.

It's nights like this that I wish I was at home sleeping. But sadly I have work. And work doesn't give a damn if it's flooding outside.

I should have gotten up an hour ago. But I wanted to rest some more and so I slept for a good 11 hours today. In the process, I didn't notice that my sleep was actually getting more messed up at each turn of the process.


Because the moisture content of the air was getting lower. And as such it was easier for me to breathe and likewise I slept more and more :/

And so now I'm awake. A mild seaweed salad to keep me sane. Some mixed cereals and a pack of coconut  water to rehydrate me. I'm going to freshen up and get going for another exciting night of work :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

05/18/2013 Dumplings

Dumplings. Such delicious-ness.

And more are cooking. Such perfection with this slightly sweet vinegar.

Even better are the other things I bought :)

Dried persimmons, Wakamu, Hot Sauce and several other things that are delicious.

Oh so delicious :)

Yes I'm a fat bastard who eats too much.

Friday, May 17, 2013

05/17/2013 Last.

It will probably end poorly.

How I aspire for such good things only to have them shattered so abruptly.

Also need to rest soon. Eyes are heavy and not feeling all too well. I'm going to go rest some more and maybe have a safer evening in the long run. I can only hope so.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

05/16/2013 Thursday

Yes I realize the redundant nature of specifying that today is Thursday. However in a way, it's incredibly necessary.

It's my "weekend" and I'm happy that I don't have to be in to work until Saturday evening.

This time yesterday I was still in an oppressively long training session. And what not :/

Oh yes. I'm home now. It's warm. I'm questioning if the AC is working or if it's just because of the solar radiation in my room. My cats have stopped fighting because it's too hot to fight.

Ah yes. that's why it's so fucking warm. Hell froze over and so did my AC unit. :/ Not cool cheap ass AC thing. Not cool.

I'm about to melt from the heat. And so I bid the internets adeiu as the heat permeating from my systems probably isn't helping the warmth problem.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

05/15/2013 Crash

I will be later today. As in about 12 hours from now.

I'll get my butt home and in a grand KAPLUMPH I'll land in bed and pass out for an undisclosed amount of time. How do I know this? Because I've been awake for 13 hours already and I have another 12 of stuff that must be done in the day.

I start my day with 2 breakfasts actually.

The first at home will comprise of cereal and other savories.

And a second one of fruit at the hotel where I'll be going for my extended day long training.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

05/14/2013 Another 24 hours.

Because for the life of me I don't know why the fuck I keep doing these 24 hour rotations. I know they're fucking with my circadian rhythm. And if tomorrow's exciting day of stuff doesn't keep me awake, I'll probably drive into a wall. Hooray for Monster and other not so healthy things.

Rehab me and make me realize my falicies.

No I still can't spell.

NO I honestly don't give a damn that I can't spell.

I need to get dressed. Like ready to go dressed : /

Screw my reality and how things are.

Monday, May 13, 2013

05/13/2013 Another exciting night of training

Because my job requires it and I magically am able to wake up at this hour. And so to supplement my madness I'm getting dressed and ready for it. Hoping I don't forget something necessary.

But yeah, not going to be doing much tomorrow, Considering the fact that I'll be getting off at like 5 in the morning, I might have time to join the breakfast rush at one restaurant or another. Maybe I'll just buy some eggs and cook something of my own?

Kittens are both doing fine. They fight once in a while but I always awaken to both of them purring ever so softly.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

05/12/2013 Further Expeditions into Dreamland

Dreams are interesting things aren't they. They represent small tidbits of a past that I can't remember.

And since my sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up, I can't help but wonder if I should be sleeping or if I'm really just awake once more.

It's interesting how these daily journal tidbits are going. They feel more and more like a scrap of some weird pointless module that I must contemplate.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

05/11/2013 Passionfruit and Curry

I am not one to question dreams. As they often have little real meaning in the grand scheme of things. And likewise, it is often of little use trying to say if a dream has any real meaning beyond the obvious of the fact that it is a dream.

I bring this up at all because I dreamt of passionfruit. Ones that were of this most interesting yellow and white.

Its been ages since I've eaten passionfruit. And honestly I can't even seem to remember what it smells like. But this dream was just so vivid...

I should go shopping sometime and see if I can't find some. Passionfruit vines are pretty common if memory serves right.

Friday, May 10, 2013

05/10/2013 Farming

Nasari and company are doing well. Morgam and he are no longer at war, but I can sense the tenious peace could be shattered at any time. They groom each other on occasion but that could just be them acting like they're not fighting for my sake. And I suppose for that I should be thankful.

No training tonight thankfully but it will still be a long long time till I have any real peace.

Freshening up now for work wondering how best to negate the heat sink thats in my room :(

Thursday, May 9, 2013

05/09/2013 As if the world is out to get me.

Not as much sleep as I would have preferred. Which of course means. I'm going to have a shitty night. Though I suppose 7 hours and a hot shower isn't a bad amount.

Monster rehab (green tea) will be nice to keep me functional.

And oh yes. delicious delicious chocolates later in the night.

It'll be Friday soon right? Then let it be a sane Friday, one in which I don't have to give much of a damn about anything.

Let my night be calm and the power not fail my phone or MP3 device. And oh lawdy please don't let there be a super storm or angry folk calling me at 4 in the mornin.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

05/08/2013 Machete

Machetes are dangerous tools. They harm the forest and have been known to commit various acts of genocidal violence over the ages in many different climates.

And of course no one that I know really NEEDS a machete. They might like to have one handy for various things but no one ever really needs such a tool in suburbia.

Which I suppose then raises the question of why I have one.

Because I wanted one. Is probably the best answer I can think of. Because I don't see why I shouldn't. And it's on sale.

Because in America, things are dictated by whats on sale. And when things are on sale, even the things you'd never have a use for in a thousand years become substantially more interesting.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

05/07/2013 Training.

I honestly hate training. It's some BS :/

And so I'm about to have to get going because of said training. Should probably shower and freshen up at least before that.

But hey it's not the end of the world (just yet) I can still recover from this sleep setback. Maybe.

Monday, May 6, 2013

05/06/2013 Rare

What truly is the definition of Rare? Is it simply what we have less of or does the term have to originate in such a fashion as to make one wonder the greater complexities of life?

And better yet why am I questioning what the term rare really defines?

As it would be, I'm actually at home.

I'm relaxing and watching my kitties stalk each other. I'll feed them in a moment. Toss them some noms and then sit back and watch them wage war again. They better not damage my new monitor or there will be hell to pay :/

Sunday, May 5, 2013

05/05/2013 Cinco?

So besides the rather corny joke I could make about... well pun about the Sith being that yesterday was International Star War's day. Today is get hammered on Tequila day. Except. I. Hate. Tequila.

Like I can totally understand how fermented agave juice may be delicious to some people and how it's instrumental to making an excellent margarita with. BUT no. Just no. Or at least not for me.

It's already mid day ish for me. I've been up since 6ish? Maybe? I don't even know anymore. Eitherway I'm home and about to get dressed for my Friday. One more night of delightful bullshit and then I'm home free for a day and a half before Tuesday's training screws up my weekends all kinds of sideways again :/

I'd go so far as to say the system is out to get me because that's really how it feels with all of this BS work that I have to get done.

But for now. I'm just going to freshen up. Grab a clean shirt and hop in my car for work. Wish me madness or wish me suerte.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

05/04/2013 May the Force be with you.

And while I'm not a particular fan of the Star War's universe; I accept that it could in theory co-exist with the Star Trek universe. How? Because the universe is kinda endless and endless means that it could :)

But yes because the internet is punny. Today of all days is international Star Wars day. A day to celebrate the not so great creation of a mostly mediocre movie from what is it the 70s now? Well damn that movie is old. Well ok the whole story line is old. And while the spin offs make our generation what it is today. It really is more interesting to focus on how the story progresses forward from the points we've allowed it to have right?

Friday, May 3, 2013

05/03/2013 They're Family

Today I awoke to my kittens. Together not waging war. Sleeping next to one another. And then I was also pleasantly surprised to see Nasari actually grooming Morgam.

I think I can safely believe that the two won't kill each other should I leave them be. Instead. Nasari has accepted that the other kitty won't be leaving and now I'm officially a dad to two adorable though silly kittens.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

05/02/2013 New Computer.

Nothing too flashy. Found a good deal on Woot and decided that I should spend my tax return on a new system. Still need a DVI cable to make my monitor work properly but otherwise I think I'm set for the time being.

Kitties are being lazy bastards and sleeping the night away. As for me, I'm just here being myself and doing as I see fit. Should make for an interesting turn of events should I ever have anything more to think about.

Work shortly and with that the prospects of everything that I have to deal with. Another evening of BS that I shouldn't be too surprised about.

Hey it's life. I should have my certifications done soon. And as such it'll be pretty awesome. With any luck job promotion sometime in the near future? Or a better position? Either or.