I've been ignoring something for a while now. Namely my parents. Well no they haven't done anything particularly wrong for me to dislike them to such a degree as to ignore them this much... Or even the fact that I have absolutely nothing to worry about if I should so choose to not give a fuck as to what they say.
Well maybe. They do seem to be funneling half if not most of my mail at the present. I.E. I haven't gotten a single package in about a month because my address listed is technically the one in Saint Augustine. Well no letters either. So technically something uber important (maybe like a diploma) could have been sent to a non-existent address and thus could lead to me not recieving anything that would otherwise be deemed useful at my expense.
Alternatively I could probably note that my job searching hasn't been fruitful. Wonder if I can bug some of my old NS peeps into securing me a position. Wouldn't be the first time I've networked for my own gain, but then again do I really want to use the I worked with you, please help me get another job so I'm not nearly as broke card. Yes... At this stage in the game being that I've been back in town for 3 weeks now, I think I will have to. :(
Today in general has been meh. I haven't gotten around to doing anything productive and as of that fact it means that I'm nearing the middle of my 3rd week back and still haven't found a purpose or meaning. But ya know I'm optimistic yet.
Depressing as my story is. There is always a silver lining to everything that happens or is said or spoken, or is done.
I'm alive. I have a loving boyfriend. And most importantly I have faith in myself and my abilities. If charm won't get me far in life, then ingenuity and dedication will.
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