Yesterday... Well yeah it'd be yesterday now since it's officially midnight here and then some. Can be summed up in a few short sentences.
1. Road.
2. Zion National Park.
3. Stupid me cuts myself.
4. Saw a real fox.
And then I'm here at a Day's Inn in the middle of no where. My technical last day of the trip is tommorow, and I'm more than ready for it to be here. We'll be in SLC and I'm likely to be kidnappeded for some occult ritual that my parents have planned. I don't want to go. But I have no real say in the matter ya know?
Hm. Back to today then. A nice day over all. Nothing too much really. Morning of sitting in the front passenger seat staring out at the desert landscape. My Zune long dead since the Yellowstone days. Why not charge it you say? Because I has no charge cord. For such things fly away from me. :( Gar. I want my random music to head bang to!
And then to Zion National Park.
All I can say is that it was an amazing experience. Absolutely amazing.
I ended up climbing to the top of a not too rugged/steep trail and found a convenient boulder that was overlooking the emerald pools. For the first time in a long while, I was able to close my eyes and hear only the rustling of the wind through the leaves. For a little while at least there were no annoying voices or cars or planes and even the birds and squirrels went silent.
And it was then that I thought again. Freed myself from this earthly casing and let my mind's eye truly grasp the world around me. I was a dynamic part of that structure. A useful leaf on the Tree of All There Is. I felt attuned to nature as the saying would go. And I really enjoyed that feeling. I think these reflective phases really are what I've been seeking in life. What I've been yearning for. And though I must remember that not everything out there is what I want it to be, each day is a day worth living because of what it can be. My friends are but the contacts I have to appreciate and use to see that world.
And in other news, I gashed my thumb open with a pocket knife while cutting a leaf from one of the trees. Karma's a bitch could be easily said about the whole situation, but my non-religious/yet spiritual self thought about it and as I dripped my blood down a good quarter of the trail, I was thankful the cut wasn't deeper.
At the end of the trail, I was rewarded with something interesting... A wild fox crossed my path, looked at me and then scurried into the underbrush. I grabbed a pic of him before he left.. A small snapshot of the spirits crossing paths with me again.
The cut's long stopped bleeding and as I look at it, it's just a small scar now. I can run my hand over it and feel the little ridge that the blood seeped out from. I can gaze at it and realize that yeppers it's healing. It's the middle of the night here of course. Nearly 2 in the morning of a not so important day. I've got plans to make, batteries to charge and a strong dedication for tomorrow's meaning.
I'll drink to that.
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