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Monday, January 31, 2011

Another Loss of Words

It's been nearly 3 weeks now since I've returned from my trip to California. Time is as constant as it was before and I'm finally falling back into that rhythm of things that I've one or twice thought about.

As it would stand (or more correctly sit), I am in one of the halls. I sit here my legs feeling of a stabbing/prickly pain as if deep within them a dark essence is slowly nomming away through the bone. For you see since Saturday night, I've been working roughly 27ish hours... and though I'm running on real food, my body is starting to frown upon me for my (in)activity and lack of sleep. Oh I should mention that I'm trying  function on a net 2 hours of sleep. And that's not cool at all. I'm alert. But that's really of very little compensation for the pressing sensation in my legs.

Monday's one of my off days and I'm going to sleep in till about 2 or 3 in the afternoon before waking up and deciding what I want to do from there. If anything :P

Ah well times coming and going and I need to get off of work soon. Praying for the rain gods to stop the downpour from last night.

Oh yes before I forget. Could you believe that last night was amazingly uneventful? Though I must admit the group outside puffing on weed and causing a vapour cloud to collide against Kellum Hall is of interest. Almost as interesting as the narcissist on the first floor. I have yet to figure out why anyone would want a large picture of themselves to be hanging over their desk... 

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